Co-Workers Are Donating Vacation Days to New Moms and It's a Trendy Shower Gift We Love
Who is more deserving?
We've all been a part of a co-worker's baby shower, when someone sends an envelope around with a card asking if you'd like to contribute. Likely to get something that no one else has bought on the registry or a stroller, something the baby needs and the mom would more than appreciate. But what is the greatest gift of all, one that we don't ever have enough of -- time. I'm hard pressed to find a mom who doesn't describe the first few months as "flying by," my mom still says it goes by quick and I'm nearly 31. This is why in some offices co-workers are giving their vacation days to new moms, as reported by Good Morning America.
Kansas City, Missouri mom, Angela Hughes hadn't been at her job at a registrar's for a full year when her baby girl came 2 months early and therefore she didn't qualify for paid maternity leave. She didn't take any time off while pregnant so she could spend as much time as possible with her newborn using vacation days. Hughes' boss realized her stress and donated 80 hours of her own paid time off, more co-workers followed suit and eventually Hughes was able to have a full 8 weeks of paid maternity leave. This my friends is why we need more women in leadership positions, compassion for people and investing in a person's life is what makes great employees who believe and respect their place of work.
Hughes had a cesarean section, her daughter Bella was born and was discharged from the NICU after 3 months.

Good Morning America
Hughes said that "It took a great weight off my shoulders. Having a baby is a huge adjustment anyway but having a premature baby, my emotions were all over the place." Hughes also said that she was truly "very humbled" by that her co-workers did for her. It's amazing that an office was able to come together and do this for their co-worker, who I would assume is also a friend at this point.
It's worth noting according to 2016 data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development that of the 41 industrialized nations the US is the only one that does not require paid maternity leave. In addition it is in the hands of individual employers if they would allow a program, like the one who helped Hughes, in their company.
Developing work-life balance is crucial for companies and would lead to increased productivity and likely company loyalty. No one can do it all, as they say, it takes a village.