If Beyoncé Needs a Backup Dancer, She Needs To Check Out This Dad
You’ve never seen the Single Ladies dance quite like this.

Steve Haddad is the type of father that will do just about anything for his kids. Even if that means he has to wear a black leotard and serve as the backup dancer for his daughters as they show off their rendition of Beyoncé's Single Ladies. What started as a family lip synch battle has turned into our newest favorite viral video, and now this hilarious dad has our vote to earn a spot on the Queen B's next world tour.
The video, which was posted on Facebook, has already been viewed over 30 million times and shared over 320 thousand times. Steve's wife captioned the video "You asked you received......Haddad Lip Sync contest. Stay back girls he's all mine!!! #BESTDAD #Beyonce #allthesingleladies #christmaslipsync."
The Michigan dad his daughters created the routine for their family's version Lip Sync Battle on Christmas. Apparently, it gets pretty competitive and Haddad took one for the team to bring home the win.
"Steve is by nature hilarious, however, my daughters begged him to do this dance for our family Christmas Lip Sync battle contest," his wife, Tina Spadaro Haddad, tells PEOPLE. "Steve and the girls actually went to a choreographer to learn the routine."
While the world waits for another encore performance, his wife says his Beyoncé? dancing days are over and we should expect this video to be his mic drop. However, we can always hold out hope that we will see Steve doing his version of Lemonade next year.