A 90 Day Baby: Axel Mayfield
See the latest sweet photos of Russ and Paola's baby boy Axel!

Photo By: Photo Courtesy of Russ and Paola Mayfield
Photo By: Photo Courtesy of Russ and Paola Mayfield
Photo By: TLC
Axel Mayfield | Two Months Old!
Here's what Paola and Russ had to say about their growing boy!
Axel is officially two months old and he is growing bigger and bigger each day, honestly it’s hard to believe he is only two months by how much he has grown. He has outgrown the newborn sizes and only fits his 3 month clothes. We are getting into a good routine, although we are ready for him to expand his feeding times! Along with his growth spurts he is developing his personality, he has a big smile that brightens the moment and gives a cute squeal to let us know what’s up. We are cherishing every moment no matter how crazy it may feel.
Axel Mayfield | One Month Old!
Here's what new mom Paola had to say:
I can’t believe my baby is one month old! He has grown so much these past few weeks! I’m so grateful and happy that he is here with us, even though it hasn’t been easy with the sleepless nights, the spit ups, trying to understand his needs, waking up in the middle of the night to feed him and so much more! Even with all of that I wouldn’t change the fact that I’m his mom and that I love him with all of my heart. Seeing my baby smile at me every morning and everyday is the best reward. I know I’m doing all I can to make him happy. Since my baby was born, I was also born again as a new person.
Axel Mayfield | Newborn
Here's what Paola had to say about her little boy, born on New Years!
While I was hearing the fireworks and people telling me Happy New Year, I was just focused on meeting my baby. It wasn’t easy, but it was totally worth it! My little miracle is so beautiful and calm. I feel so blessed and I can’t believe I am a mom now. I’m ready to start this new adventure and to be the best mom for baby Axel.