How to Have More Patience With Your Kids With the Law of One
You might find these tips helpful, especially around the holidays!

Most parents, at one time or another, have wished for more peace, more cooperation, more patience, and more kindness in the home. Whether it's siblings who can't seem to play nicely together, or efforts at positive discipline gone awry, parenting isn't for the faint of heart and it isn't always easy.
So how do you increase all of these good feelings at home while whittling away at disharmony, arguing, and frustration? You can learn about the Law of One and apply it to your own life and to your parenting.
What is the Law of One?
While the Law of One is very different by definition from the Law of Attraction, what it shares in common is that the Law of One is also one the universal spiritual laws. By now, if you haven't heard of the Law of Attraction, then you probably live under a rock. Love it or hate it, the Law of Attraction has taken the mainstream by storm. The Law of Attraction is one of many universal spiritual laws, but over all the other laws, the Law of Attraction has really captured the imagination of so many people. (Probably because so many proponents like to hawk a "get rich quick" angle.) That said, all of the universal spiritual laws are helpful to learn about, but the Law of One is especially helpful for having more patience and compassion for people: a perfect law for parents to learn and apply.
In short, the Law of One means that people are all more alike than we are different. We are all cut from the same cloth, and we all share the same potentials: we can be happy or sad, giving or greedy, angry or peaceful. We all possess within us the full range of emotions, qualities, and characteristics that make us human. The Law of One was channeled by some scientists seeking contact with extraterrestrials in the 1980s. The transcripts were made into books, which are growing in popularity. The content is also available for free online.
How can you use the Law of One to benefit your family?
By understanding that we are all alike, it helps us to hone our forgiveness, patience, compassion, kindness, and understanding of ourselves and others by seeing the commonalities as opposed to differences between people.
For example, imagine one of your children is holding a glass bottle of juice. You say to the child, "Be careful, don't drop it." But the bottle slips from your child's hands and smashes all over the kitchen floor. The dog scrambles to lick the sweet juice from the floor, but you immediately become concerned about the shards of glass. In your panic, you shout at your child, "I told you not to drop it!"
Enter the Law of One. We all make mistakes. We've all been warned at times, but we've failed to heed the warning and disaster struck. We've all been clumsy children before, with hands that don't work as well as adult hands. When we take even just a moment to see our children as an extension of our own humanity--doing our best but sometimes falling short--it helps us grow in compassion and understanding. This can help to relieve our anger and frustration. It can help us to forgive our kids for their mistakes, and forgive ourselves for losing our tempers so we can quickly regain a sense of peace in the home.
Law of One helps us to be more patient.
"But this kid never listens! I've told him a thousand times..." Think of something you yourself has struggled with over your lifetime. Maybe it's healthy eating. Maybe it's a disharmonious relationship with a family member. Maybe you spend most of your time in a negative state, whether it's sad, depressed, or angry and frustrated with others. Maybe it's some other habit or way of thinking that doesn't benefit you or others, such as judgement or gossiping about others. Or maybe it's about developing stronger boundaries with people who don't have your best interests at heart. We all have our "thing" (or things!) that we need to learn to fix about ourselves in this lifetime. These nagging imperfections aren't easy to eradicate, or we would have done it by now.
Just know that your own children have some challenges of personality, actions, or habits that they face, and it will be up to them to learn to solve these issues within themselves in order for them to thrive in life. You can help them along the best you can, with kindness, patience, and compassion. For we all face challenges in this life. We have the choice to offer the ones we love more negativity and difficulty in the form of disapproval, harsh words, and judgment--or we can choose to help with kind words, encouragement, wisdom, and speaking to them as we wish to be spoken to.