Hilarious Tweets from Parents Who Are Trying to Survive the Holidays

It’s not always bright and merry this time of year.

By: Amanda Mushro

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Man overwhelmed by the tangled Christmas lights he's pulled out of storage.


Man overwhelmed by the tangled Christmas lights he's pulled out of storage.

Photo by: ideabug


Ahh, the holidays with kids. So much fun, so much magic–so much stress! As these next few weeks fly by, we’re all just trying to hold it together and make the most of this holiday season. Sometimes it’s full of candy canes and reindeer, and other times it’s riddled with scotch tape and necessary coffee breaks. So, on the days we have to threaten to call Santa nearly 300 times, we are always grateful for the funny parents who are keeping it real on Twitter. Need a laugh with your eggnog? These moms and dads have you covered.

And they say romance is dead.

No take-backs! No take-backs!

Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree, how lovely are your broken ornaments?

You need what by tomorrow?

Wait, that’s not how this is supposed to work!

Adds sleep to cart.

The true meaning of Christmas—according to a kid.

Back off, Susan.

Parenting level: Genius.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year.

Our favorite tune and greatest wish.

A new holiday tune this year.

Started this one extra early this year.

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