7 Easy Health Challenges for the New Year!

Start the New Year off right!

December 27, 2017
By: Kristine Boyd

After eating tons of cookies, indulgent dinners and other holiday treats, people are ready to get back into their health and fitness routines. We have some fun ways for you to start off the new year on the right foot. Challenges are a great way to jump back into your health and fitness routine. What is even better is that you can grab a group of your friends to do it with you! You can do any of these challenges for a week up to a month. Decide what works best for you and have fun with it!

1. Water Challenge

The water challenge consists of drinking water first thing when you wake up, before and after every meal and before you go to bed until you have had a gallon of water in a day. This is a great way rehydrate your body. Many of us are extremely dehydrated and don't even know it. After a week of this challenge you will feel amazing and want to continue it for weeks to come!

2. Squat Challenge

It can be tough to find a spare moment to workout in our busy schedules. But by finding just 15 or 20 minutes to get in a little something will make all the difference. This squat challenge will be tough but worth it! Every day the squat count will increase, making it a little bit more challenging each day. By the end of the 30 days, your legs will thank you!

3. Jogging Challenge

This challenge is simple; jog every day. The only way to get better at jogging is to stay consistent with it. So, whether you jog for 30 minutes or 5 minutes, it counts towards the challenge! Take it easy the first few days and you can slowly increase your jogging distance as you go. Grab your running buddy and try this out for at least 2 weeks. We promise you will feel amazing!

4. Sleep Challenge

Sleep is an essential component to a healthy lifestyle. If you aren't getting at least 8 hours of sleep at night, you need to start this challenge. The goal of this challenge is to get 8 hours of sleep every night for at least a week. After you complete this, you will notice a major difference in your energy levels and overall mood!

5. No Junk Food Challenge

We all love to have treats every now and then, especially around the holiday season. But after a couple months of indulging in all of our favorite foods, it's time for a junk food cleanse. For a week, 2 weeks or however long works best for you there is no junk food allowed. This will allow you to put the proper nutrients back into your body!

6. Mediation Challenge

You can't forget about your mental health. Mental health is so easily overlooked when we think about our overall well-being. We spend so much time on our physical health that we forget to take time to relieve our anxiety and stress. Try mediating for 10 days straight. Every day for 10 days you have to mediate first thing when you wake up. You may have to set your alarm a little bit earlier, but it will be worth it!

7. Make Your Own Challenge

This is a challenge perfectly customized to your lifestyle. Think of the one thing in your life that ruins your health regime. Is it wine, ice cream, takeout or stressing too much? Whatever it is, make it a habit for 30 days to give up whatever it is that is holding you back. This is a great way to rid yourself of bad habits and start new, better ones!

Challenges are a fun way to motivate ourselves to be healthier. Whether you try these challenges for a week or 30 days, you will notice a huge difference in your body. This is an amazing way to start fresh for the new year and create good habits that will last you throughout 2018!

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