Hilarious Parents Tweet About the School Drop-Off Line
Parents, it’s a jungle out there.

SDI Productions
Parents of a school-aged children know the school drop-off line is no joke. Families have to get there early, avoid messing around when it’s their turn and always pull-forward—that last one is a must. So if you are getting ready to pick up your kiddo, check out a few tweets from some very funny parents who know all about the highs, lows and LOLs of school drop-offs.
Rookie move, mom. Rookie move.
Come on, Karen!
I call this my “I didn’t plan on getting out of the car” look.
I’m not like regular moms. I’m a cool mom.
We don’t have time for this nonsense!
Consider your time in line “me time.”
Moms and Dads are just different.
Ugh, so close.
Share your favorite school drop-off line story on Twitter by tagging @TLCmeNow. We would love to hear them!