Foods That Can Cause Nausea During Pregnancy
Avoiding these foods could help keep morning sickness at bay.

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Avoid These Morning Sickness Trigger Foods
Morning sickness is the worst. Plus, it doesn’t help that doctors and scientists don’t really know why some women get morning sickness and some don’t. With all of the increased hormones in your body, you can feel fine one minute and queasy the next. Like we said — it’s the worst.
Whether you’ve got morning sickness or what you’d actually call "all-day sickness" during pregnancy, it’s clear that some foods can make the nausea even worse. If you aren’t sure which foods to avoid just yet, we’ve listed the top offenders and how to keep nausea at bay while eating and after. Ready to eat?
While pregnant women need extra calcium when carrying a baby, milk can often cause nausea. For your calcium intake, try yogurt or cheese, or drink milk once you have already eaten some food.
Packed with vitamin C and plenty of nutrients, citrus fruit is often to blame for upsetting the sensitive stomach of a mom-to-be. If you are craving a glass of orange juice, try adding water to the juice before drinking.
Spicy Food
While you may have cravings for a spicy curry dish or a pizza with plenty of garlic, the after effects of these spices may leave you feeling uncomfortable. From heartburn and indigestion to nausea, it’s best to skip spicy foods during the first and third trimester.
Coffee, while one of our favorite ways to consume caffeine, can cause your morning sickness to go into overdrive. It’s best to skip coffee or enjoy it after you’ve eaten breakfast.
Greasy Food
Sure, a delicious, greasy cheeseburger and fries sounds amazing — and while we’re at it, toss in a few pizzas. However, for a mom-to-be, the extra grease can quickly upset your stomach. For a greasy food craving, moderation is key and so is drinking plenty of fluids.
Food with Strong Smells
During the early days of morning sickness, your sense of smell is very strong. That’s why powerful smells can quickly make you nauseous. Best tip for dealing with pungent foods: open a window, eat outdoors, or try to avoid them all together.
High Sugar Foods
Candy, cookies, and cake all sound yummy, but too much of a good thing can make you sick (even when you aren’t pregnant). The trick with high sugar foods is to enjoy these treats in moderation.
Onions and Garlic
Delicious in food, but can send you straight to the bathroom with a queasy stomach while pregnant. Skip the onions and garlic or make sure they are used sparingly in your food. Also, just say not to raw onions and garlic.
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