The 10 Most Recommended Newborn Items on My Registry
I asked all my mom friends what I needed. Here's what they said a first-time mom must have.

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Photo By: Jamie Grill
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Photo By: Tatyana Tomsickova Photography
Photo By: Amy Bader
Photo By: JGI/Jamie Grill
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Photo By: Oleg Breslavtsev
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Photo By: Tony Anderson
Photo By: Jessica Peterson
Here Comes Baby!
When I was 6 months pregnant, I started telling close friends and family members that I was having a baby. After they showered me with congratulations, they begged me to send them a registry so that they could shower the baby with gifts. I sat down and tried to figure out what exactly I needed for a newborn, but aside from the basics (diapers, clothing, and swaddle blankets), I wasn’t sure what else to ask for on this gift list.
That’s when I decided to spend quality time researching must-have items for a baby registry and asked 30 different mom friends of mine for their number one recommended item that I had to have before the baby arrived. Using all of the information and tips, I put together a gift list that I was excited about.
Here are the top 10 most recommended newborn items that I’m really glad I put on my registry.
A Crib That Grows With Baby
I knew that a must-have item for the baby would be something for them to sleep in. Since I live in a very small one-bedroom apartment, getting a full-sized crib wasn’t an option for us because we didn’t have the space. A couple of friends recommended a 3-in-1 crib that grows as the baby does, and as our living accommodations change in the future.
I went with a convertible crib from Nestig that can expand from a mini-size, which is perfect for a newborn, to a full crib, and then into a toddler bed. I picked this crib because the mini-size was the smallest one I could find when I researched similar types of cribs. I also loved this product because of the cost-saving benefits it offers in the future, since we won’t need to get a new bed for the baby for at least 2-3 years.
BUY IT: Nestig, $749.00
A Swing That Keeps the Baby Moving
Since my husband and I both work from home, a lot of people shared with us that having a swing, or bouncer, for the baby to be safely placed in so that they can feel motion and be rocked, would be great to keep for entertainment and lounging for short periods during the day.
Since it’s hard to know exactly what kind of swing the baby will enjoy before the baby arrives, I decided to put the 4moms MamaRoo Multi-Motion swing on my registry that has a handful of different capabilities, from a variety of motions to music. That way, I can mix and match options to see what settings my baby likes, without having to try out a variety of different products.
BUY IT: Amazon, $202.49
A Box of Different Swaddles
A go-to item that the baby will need every day are swaddles. However, figuring out what kind of swaddle your baby enjoys (from weighted swaddles to velcro ones), might take time and require a new mom to experiment with different products. Instead of adding one or two swaddles to my registry, I decided to ask for a bundle box of the top-rated swaddles so that I could try out each one, figure out what the baby likes, and then buy more of those on my own later on.
BUY IT: Babylist, $79.99
A Foldable Play Mat
I started to learn that babies enjoy spending quality time on the floor, either playing on their backs or doing tummy time. Since we don’t have a rug in our living room and we don’t have the space for a large play mat, I saw that other people who live in small spaces opted for foldable play mats. That way, we can bring the mat out when the baby is using it and store it in the closet for the rest of the day.
BUY IT: Amazon, $35.99
Lots and Lots of Diapers
Perhaps the most recommended item that everyone said my registry absolutely needs are diapers, lots and lots of diapers. Since the average baby goes through over 2,000 diapers a year, the price of having to purchase a box of diapers every month can start to add up. Not only did I put boxes of diapers on my registry, in a variety of sizes, but I also included a diaper cash fund on it too, so people could contribute money toward the cost of the baby's future diaper needs.
BUY IT: Kudos, $88.00
A Diaper Pail
Knowing that I would be changing thousands of diapers a year, I decided that getting a diaper pail that was sturdy, durable, and as odor-proof as possible, would come in handy. I went with the recommendation to go with a steel one from Ubbi, since steel is said to trap odor better than plastic, and also picked this one because the size wasn’t too big for our space.
BUY IT: Amazon, $69.99
A Sturdy Baby Carrier
In addition to a stroller (which we decided to purchase on our own), a lot of new moms told me that having a baby carrier was helpful and useful for walks around the neighborhood or trips to stores. That way, you can leave the stroller in the car and wear the baby around your chest, safely, when you’re on-the-go.
A lot of people recommended getting a soft-wrap carrier to use around the house and a sturdier one for when you go outside. I put both items on my registry.
BUY IT: Amazon, $103.27
Baby Hygiene Kits
After doing a lot of research, I realized that a baby needs a lot of little items for their hygiene. Rather than add each of these individual items to my registry, it was recommended to add kits instead, which include all the essential items that you need. I picked an ultimate baby kit from FridaBaby which included products for grooming, teething, health and wellness.
BUY IT: Babylist, $79.99
Stroller Accessories
Since I already purchased the stroller before creating a registry, a lot of friends told me that it would be helpful to add on different accessories that would make walks and trips a lot easier for the baby and me. I decided to put a stroller cup holder and stroller organizer bag on my registry so that I would be more comfortable and prepared when I was out and about with the baby.
BUY IT: Amazon, $29.99
Onesies With Zippers
Babies need a lot of clothing, especially since you might have to change them multiple times a day. When it came to onesies, the most recommended item that people shared with me were onesies that had two-way zippers. That way, it could make it easier to change the baby’s diaper, without having to fully undress the baby. I decided to add a pack of two-way zipper onesies, in both newborn and 0-3 size, on my registry.
BUY IT: Amazon, $38.99
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