6 Tips for Selling Bridesmaid Dresses After the Wedding
If you don't want to keep it, here's what you should know.

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Life After the Big Day
Once a wedding comes to an end, so does your official role of being a bridesmaid for your friend or family member. So as you put away your dancing shoes, take a look at all the photos from the entire wedding adventure, and have a good laugh about all the memories, you might find yourself wondering if there’s anything else you should do.
One thing you can consider, after the wedding ends, is selling your bridesmaid dress. If the style isn’t something you will wear again or you don’t have room for it in your closet, you can put it up for sale and recoup some of the money you spent purchasing it. Wondering how to do that? Here are the six steps to take to sell any old bridesmaid dress after you’ve worn it.
Get the Dress Cleaned and Photographed
Before you go off and try to sell your dress, first get it looking as good as possible. Bridesmaid dresses can get dirty at a wedding so make sure it’s in good shape, take it to a professional cleaner to get any stains removed. After that, take some photographs of the dress so you can capture how the dress looks at different angles. Having these photos will help you convince others that this is the bridesmaid dress that they need to buy for a wedding or to wear as a wedding guest to an upcoming celebration.
Jot Down the Details of the Dress
Since some people are specifically searching for a certain dress style and color from a designer, make sure that you organize all of the information about your dress. Write down the designer’s name, the style of the dress (if it has a specific name or number), the color of the dress, and the size. If you can find the dress on a website, grab that link so that you can post it with the dress on websites or social media. This will help others make sure this is the exact dress they are looking for before they buy it.
Consider How Much You’d Sell the Dress For
Before you decide how much to sell your bridesmaid dress for, first revisit how much it cost you. Factor in the price of the dress, shipping, and any costs associated with alterations. Knowing how much was spent can help you determine how much to list the dress for to ensure that you’re making enough cash back to make selling the dress worthwhile.
You can also eyeball how much money other people are charging for similar styles by looking through bridesmaid dress resale groups and websites. This information can help you determine the right price to list the dress for.
Bring the Dress to Local Stores
Once the dress is clean and you have a price set in your mind, it’s time to start trying to sell the dress. First, bring the dress to any local thrift stores or second-hand stores and see if they are interested in buying the dress for a price you’re comfortable with. If they only offer store credit instead of cash, determine if that deal is valuable and worth it for you. You might be able to trade the dress in for a pair of shoes or jacket that you need instead.
Post the Dress on Social Media
One of the best places you can post your bridesmaid dress is on social media, since that’s where a lot of bridesmaids turn to when they are eager to buy a bridesmaid dress for a discounted price. You can list your dress in a bridesmaid dress resale group or just post it on your social media and ask friends and family to share your post with their network. You never know who is out there in your network looking for your exact bridesmaid dress.
List the Dress on Resale Websites
Another great place to list your dress is on bridesmaid dress resale websites like Preowned Wedding Dresses or on second-hand clothing apps like Poshmark or Vestiaire. These types of platforms are also widely used by those searching for pre-owned bridesmaid dresses at a discounted price. While it could take a day or a year to sell your dress, keeping it listed on these websites gives you the best chance of making a sale and getting rid of a bridesmaid dress you’ll never wear again.
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