I Tested Out 5 Top-Selling Strollers — Here Are the Pros and Cons of Each One
New mom Jen Glantz lets us know everything these strollers have to offer — and where they may fall short.

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5 Popular Stroller Reviews from a New Mom
One of the most stressful parts of preparing to be a first-time mom is figuring out the best products to buy for your baby. For every item my newborn needed, I spent endless time researching options and reading reviews online.
When it came time to purchase a stroller, I needed to make sure that the one I was picking was versatile, comfortable, and easy to maneuver, since it was a product I’d be using every day. That’s why I decided to head to a local store and test drive the five most-recommended and popular stroller options on the market.
After spending quality time with each one, here’s what I liked and didn’t like about each stroller.
Bugaboo Fox 5 Stroller
At one local store, I shared a list of criteria I had for a stroller with a salesperson and they recommended I test out the Bugaboo Fox 5. It’s a new stroller that has a lot of great features, like all-terrain wheels, which would be perfect for roaming around the city and local parks. Even though it's a full-size option, it can be maneuvered and folded up with one hand. I was able to wheel it around easily with my right hand, while drinking a coffee with my left hand.
Even though it’s a similar size to the UPPAbaby and Nuna strollers, it was the most compact. Once folded, it could fit nicely inside of a closet, and wouldn’t take up much room in a trunk.
While the stroller comes with a lot of accessories, like a bassinet and a toddler seat, the price point was one of the highest out of all the strollers. It’s a great option if the features of this stroller make sense for your lifestyle.
BUY IT: Nordstrom, $1,299.00
UPPAbaby Vista V2 Stroller
After I got pregnant, I started paying attention to the strollers in my neighborhood and I noticed a lot of people had an UPPAbaby Vista 2 stroller. When I asked a few people why that stroller seemed so popular, the consensus was that it was heavy-duty enough to withstand the terrain of New York City sidewalks.
When I gave it a try myself, the first thing I noticed was that it’s a stroller meant to grow with a family. The Vista comes with a bassinet, which can be used during the first few months you have your newborn. But you can also take out the bassinet and pop in a compatible car seat or a toddler seat.
The stroller also felt very well made, from the lining to the big wheels. I felt confident that it could survive a few years rolling around the uneven sidewalks and curbs of New York City.
However, it was anything but lightweight. Pushing this stroller around for even just 10 minutes left me with sore arms. Plus, it felt bigger than any of the other strollers, which made me wonder about storage.
Unless you have space in your garage or your house, finding somewhere to keep the stroller in your living space would be a challenge.
BUY IT: Amazon, $1,299.98
Doona Infant Car Seat and Stroller
A lot of my mom friends shared with me that one of the biggest challenges is being able to transfer the baby from the car seat to the stroller, without waking them up, or without it being too complicated.
The Doona Infant Car Seat and Stroller seemed to solve that problem the best. It’s the most well-known stroller for being able to let you transform your car seat into a stroller fast, and without any hassle.
You can simply just pop up the stroller legs and wheels, which you store in the trunk, and place the car seat right into the base. When I tried this out, it took me less than 5 seconds to do. Plus, the base isn’t heavy at all, so it made the process easy and efficient. I found this option to be great for a person who plans to be in and out of the car quite a bit or for someone who doesn’t want a complicated stroller.
The only real downside I found was that babies will outgrow the stroller after they reach the weight limit of 13 KG which equals about 28 pounds. So, if you’re someone who wants to spend money on one stroller that will last a few years, this option wouldn’t be right for you.
BUY IT: Amazon, $550.00
Nuna Mixx Next Stroller
Another popular stroller option I saw in a lot of local stores was the Nuna Mixx Stroller. It had a lot of features that seemed important to me, like all-wheel suspension (which I felt I needed for city streets), storage, and a reversible seat. When I tried it out, I found it to be easy to push around and compatible to fold up. I felt like I could store this stroller in my front entryway or even inside of a closet.
What made me weary to purchase this stroller was that for the price tag (which is over $1,000), it didn’t come with a bassinet seat option, which is something I wanted to have for my newborn, and the wheels seemed smaller than other strollers out there. I wondered how well it would hold up over the years compared to other strollers that seemed more heavy duty.
BUY IT: Nordstrom, $1,150.00
BabyZen YOYO2 Stroller
All of the strollers I tested were full-size strollers, but I wanted to try an option that was more compact.
I tried out the Babyzen YOYO2 stroller because it was lightweight (just 14 pounds) and super easy to store. I was able to fold the stroller using just one hand in under three seconds. It felt like the perfect option to take with me on an airplane or on vacation since it’s designed to fit in an overhead compartment and comes with a strap, so you can carry it on your shoulder if you’re walking around.
It felt like the least comfortable or sturdy option in terms of strollers. Because of that, I felt like this wouldn’t work for me as an everyday stroller, since it felt too fragile to push around New York City streets.
BUY IT: Nordstrom, $449.00
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