Doctor Performs ‘Surgery’ on Patient’s Teddy Bear and The Story Will Warm Your Heart
This is exactly the type of good news we all need.
Having surgery can be really scary—especially for kids. But for one lucky little patient, a very kind doctor went out of his way to make sure he and his lovely were ready for a procedure. Please file this one under the type of good news we can all use.
Dr. Daniel McNeely is a physician in Nova Scotia, and when he isn’t busy saving lives, he’s busy melting the hearts of the internet.
“Patient asks if I can also fix teddy bear just before being put off to sleep... how could I say no?” he captioned the pictures from ‘surgery’ on Twitter. Well you are correct, sir! You most certainly cannot say no to a sweet baby who asks you to care for their lovey right before they have surgery.
While Dr. McNeely is familiar with the operating room, he isn’t big on social media because this adorable tweet was actually his first tweet ever. So with over 19 thousand retweets, maybe he is one to something with his teddy surgery and bed-side care.
According to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, the good doctor was operating on 8-year-old Jackson McKie. This little guy was having surgery to have a shunt repaired for a brain condition called hydrocephalus, and understandably, he was feeling quite nervous.
So to calm his nerves, he brought his lovey, Little Baby, to have by his side during surgery. However, Little Baby was under the weather as well.
"It's his best buddy," said his father, Rick McKie. Who added, Jackson has had the teddy since he was a newborn. "When he was born, he had it ever since with him. Through thick or thin."
When the pair headed into the operating room, Jackson mentioned Little Baby had a tear under his arm and asked Dr. McNeely if he could help out his teddy too. Dr. McNeely said many young patients bring their lovey into the operating room, but this was his first request to perform ‘surgery’ on a teddy bear.
According to Jackson’s dad, when the little boy woke up from surgery, he was over the moon that his beloved teddy was fixed and said the doctor’s kindness really helped ease the concerns of the entire family.
"He was so proud. He had Little Baby laying up in the hospital bed with him and everything," said Jackson’s dad. "It made us feel better about being there."
According to Jackson’s family he and Little Baby are on the mend, and lucky for us, the doctor shared this sweet story so we can all be grateful for this story of kindness.